Friday, August 14, 2009

We've only just begun

Janus, in Roman mythology, was the god of doors, gateways, beginning and ends, and as Wikipedia defined this god, a patron of concrete and abstract beginnings. He was used as a symbol of transition from past to future, celebrated at marriages and births, a mediator between of all changing importances.

I find myself in the position of Janus. I am looking at an end of this course, the finish of this blog. I am looking to this coming school year and the beginning of a new blog. Being in the middle of this door way and peering out in reflection at both directions, I realize there is much to write about.

Can I honestly say that this entire class was one large highlight for me? Can I say that it was the highlight of my existence as a SLIS student? I know some of you reading this are wondering what in all the world I am talking about. I have no lowlights to my learning of Web 2.0 applications. If "lowlights" is defined by grades, well than I just might qualify, but that's just not a part of my learning policy. I don't measure learning by grades. So the highlight of this class for me was that I could see myself progressing in my blogging style. It was really encouraging to see the growth, but the biggest part of that growth was you. By reading your posts I was able to flesh out ideas that I could apply in my own writing. When it came to discussions, each of you had a unique perspective to present and added sides to an issue or topic I would have thought only two sided. Another highlight was the interaction. We are spaces apart, ranging in a few miles to across the country. But you and I learned to crinkle that physical space into a few bytes. I learned the importance of privacy and safety of self on the web (now, I'm just paranoid when an offer to sign up for something pops up). The thing about learning from each of you is that it won't stop. We are now a part of a blogging community.

Did I have any expectations of this class, of learning or garnering an understanding of Web 2.0 applications? None whatsoever. Were expectations created due to this class? Definitely. I now look at myself at the end of this journey, on the verge of a new one and have expectations of myself to continue the growth of learning. As I look at this school year, I realize that I have to search for my own learning tools now. How will I do this? I think by applying what I have learned to my upcoming classes will be one way of practicing. Doing so will help me to set a pattern, get into the habit of blogging. I realize to better my blogging, to add quality to possible quantity, I need guidelines for myself and for my future audience. Yes, I need a set of standard and a list of goals for what I want to accomplish with myself and this new blog. Maybe I should sign up for 43 Things after all. I need to also need to create a commenting policy as well. I'm going to keep with the blogs I've attained for the RSS feed experimenting. I'm going to slowly explore and apply the current apps I've learnt and along the way pick up what's hot and not through my readings. The biggest hype will be using all of this in my fall classes.

I've gone through this class, but I want to share this experience with those I come into contact with. Enter Learning 2.0 - 23 Things. This blog is a structured platform for those wanting to learn Web 2.0 outside of the classroom but in a structure manner. This project was originally set up for PLCMC staff and the purpose was to encourage experimenting and learning web 2.0. The project was created by Helene Blowers, PLCMC Technology Director, with help from supportive staff and is based loosely on Stephen Abram's article 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year and 43 Things. When I began the EDES 501 Library 2.0 class, I was discussing the general aspects of the class to a high school art teacher, a good friend of mine. She showed interest in learning what I learned in the class, and now, I can refer her to this site and walk with her through the process.

I know this class is done, but I feel like I've only just begun. The foundation has been laid and now I'm ready to see where I can really go with this Web 2.0 learning.


  1. I also "feel like I've only just begun"... and hear you about the grade lowlights! :)

    I've already subscribed to your new blog and look forward to reading more from you!

  2. I too feel like we are just beginning but we really have come a long way. I looked at your new blog---you are way a head of me. It has been a pleasure learning with you! I need to check out the learning 2.0 23 things. Thanks for the link.


  3. Hi Andrea,

    Great idea on the fiction blog. I also will be incorporating a fiction component to my library blog. It's a great way to keep current with new titles and to share them with others.

    Cheers, May

  4. May, I figure that since most of my classes this year are literature focused, I'll be incorporating my findings and contemplations into my blog. I am hoping at some point to use the blog in my capping exercise (the class needed in order to graduate in the SLIS program).

  5. Hi Andrea,

    I still found things to "delicious" as I read through your blog!

    I will find your new blog,

    Thanks for sharing,

